Barco's young talent program
date. 2017
city. delft
company. barco, kortrijk, belgium
focus. research

Strategic organisational concept
A roadmap of attracting and familiarising the future trainees of Barco.
Designing for organisational issues and how to communicate and convince a company? Barco is an international B2B company in transition: going from mainly hardware company towards a service orientated business to keep up with the innovation. Because this identity change is not effectively communicated, Barco is perceived differently by the outside world. The identity and imagine contradicts, resulting in difficulties to attract the right employees for supporting this transition.
In this project, Barco was analysed, the wishes of (future) graduates were identified and a strategic design was presented to close the gap between identity and image for Barco. The concept consists of a roadmap on how to familiarise future employees with the company during their study and beyond. It provided insights for the hiring operations for the Barco's HR department.